Friday, May 11, 2012

Blog Entry #1 - Introduction

What are your expectations for this class?
My expectations for this class are that I will learn new things about the environment around Southwest Florida through field trips and interactive assignments. 

In your own words, what is sustainability?
Sustainability to me is "being able to be maintained for a long period of time".

How does sustainability (or ecological sense of place) relate to your chosen field of study?
My chosen field of study is Computer Information Systems, or more specifically, computer programming. Computers are the present, and they are the future. Sustainable computing could refer to our power consumption (which is being reduced by less power-hungry cpus, LED powered monitors, etc...) In my field, we gather the data needed to create new software that will work as the "brain" for these new advances in technology, which can lower emissions or power something with a fraction of the energy as before. 

Can you identify any personal behaviors and/or attitudes that are unsustainable?
Driving to and from school, work, friends, etc... is unsustainable in the long run, because I am burning fossil fuels (which are in limited supply). Also, I tend to leave things plugged in/powered on for far too long (Xbox, PC), when I am not using them. This is over-consumption, uses more energy than is necessary. An interesting list can be found HERE of things that are considered "Unsustainable" by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It includes things like ski runs, building materials, railroads, golf courses, etc...


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